Green Schools

Green School Logo

Green Schools Programme

Green-Schools is a long-term environment education and awareness programme where schools, including the wider school population, contribute to the sustainable development of the County for both current and future generations.

Schools undertake various activities on each of the following themes: Litter and Waste, Energy Conservation, Water Conservation, Transport and Healthy Living and are awarded the Green Flag Award (which needs to be renewed every two years) once they have successfully completed An Taisce’s 7 Step programme.

To date, 76 Laois schools (out of 84) have achieved this prestigious award.

If you wish to find out more about this programme or you want to book our Environment Awareness Officer to visit your school please telephone 057 86 64000


Green School Flag - Arles

Arles, Green Flag School

Details of this 7 Step Programme are given below:

  • Step 1: Green Schools Committee
    This directs the school’s involvement in the project. Ideally, the committee includes pupils, teachers, non-teaching staff, management and parents.
  • Step 2: Environmental Review
    A process of examining the schools environmental impacts in order to identify targets for action and improvement.
  • Step 3: Action Plan
    This gives specific and achievable targets with proposed completion dates that will show real success.
  • Step 4: Monitoring & Evaluation
    This will ensure that progress towards targets is checked, amendments made when necessary and success celebrated.
  • Step 5: Curriculum Work
    Curriculum materials are provided and ideas on how to integrate environmental issues into lessons.
  • Step 6: Informing & Involving
    A publicity programme keeps the school and wider community involved and informed through displays, assemblies and press coverage. A Day of Action involves the whole school and wider community in meeting your targets.
  • Step 7:  Establishing a Green Code
    This is a statement of the schools commitment to environmental good habits.

Application Deadlines & Application Procedure:
Once a school has worked on above programme for a certain period of time (generally minimum of one academic year), there are various opportunities to apply for the Green Flag Award. Schools should visit to identify application procedures and deadlines.




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